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Updated: Oct 31, 2021

To pardon often pertains to clemency for a crime, whereas justification is used in theology as the act of declaring someone righteous, exonerated from the penalty of sin which is death.

During the course of the 2020 election, the term pardon was used a great deal as many anticipated the potential for the former president to pardon himself, his family and those who’d already been convicted of crimes. While pardon provides for liberation from punishment, it does not provide for complete exoneration or acquittal; for convictions remain on one’s record for life. After years of release from prison, many remain numb with the idea of liberation, often experiencing flashbacks, as they continue to hear the prison bell, seeing the bars on their windows. Even those who had been wrongfully convicted, often report similar experiences. Supposed the one who had been granted clemency was in fact rightfully convicted, they will continue to be referred to by many as an ex-offender.

Today, God has not given you pardon; Rather, he has freed you from all wrongdoing. You have been granted justification in the face of damnation, declared as justified ‘’…freely by God’s grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” Rom. 3:24. This wasn’t done because of your good will, or good behavior, but because of “LOVE”. Because Christ loved us so much, when God ran out of options, He put his life on the line.

Through his precious blood, Jesus allowed for the unrighteous to become righteous. The word of God declares that the life of every creature is in its blood, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” Leviticus 17:11. When Cain took the life of Abel, God said to Cain, the Lord asked, “what have you done? The blood of your brother cries out to me from the ground” Gen. 4:10.

As seen, in time past, shedding the blood of animals temporarily remitted sin on behalf of men. However, these sacrifices were short term temporary satisfaction for iniquities. God was not interested in mere pardon but ultimate justification from the sin nature. Consequently, He “demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8; this, granted those who believe the power to be reconciled to almighty God as co-heir of Christ. His justification made possible a revolutionary change of lives through rebirth, newness of life as new creations reunited to God through Christ as the perfect substitute, becoming sin for us that we might become His Righteousness’ in God II Cor. 5.

Finally, I urge you to be reunited to God, justified through the shed blood of Christ Jesus. Don’t seek pardon as it’s temporary remittance, leaving you vulnerable as an offender; for, God is not interested in behavior modification but a complete transformation. That transformation is only possible through the shed blood of Christ the savior of the world.


Do you constantly seek pardon from God or are you fully justified through the shed blood of Jesus Christ?

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